School of Geb
Gate Keeper of the Monday School

Geb is the Gatekeeper of the Monday Egyptian mystery School. A Priest in Egypt who had the powers to pass judgement, and was the God of the Earth. He was brother to the Sky goddess Nut.

Your facebook link for your private group will be here from the 1st March, you can enter from the 8th March.   Please click to be added to the group.

Before you undertake this mystery school.  Ensure you have understood the requirements.  

You will be working with the Egyptian Guides as your teachers.  These guides talk much of cause and effect as part of the Cosmic laws, you are governed by in this work.  Therefore you must understand you have the power to create through this law, the life you wish to lead. 

You will be reaching for less, as you move through, understanding that all is able to flow to you, without the restlessness within the human existence. 

If you do not understand this take on life this may not be the course for you.  It is for the expansive and unlimited soul, awaiting for the magic to unfold.

Carly and the Egyptian Guides await your prescence at the doors, to this exciting period in time.  A place where many mysteries will be revealed. 


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