Kelz Allen

Journal - The Journal back home

Kelz is a multi-dimensional healer and hypnotherapist. She is helping women who are struggling with life to take their power back and live a life of freedom and safety, after childhood trauma & abuse. With online beposke sessions available, get in touch she maybe able to help. Her Journal is here to inspire others. A beautiful deep purple in colour, you will love it...

Deborah Little

Journal - The Rose Petalled Path

Deborah......Is A Mary Magdalene priestess, Sistership Circle facilitator, and Mother of five. Her journal complements her work to empower women with beautiful, powerful affirmations, Deborah invites you to step onto the rose petalled path to support you on your journey to self-discovery. Her journal is a glossy red and cover, and holds amazing energies. See the link or contact her for a signed copy.

Connie McKay

Journal - Anchoring the light

Connie just loves dragons. Her new journal has a beautiful title of Anchoring the light. It is a beautiful pink in colour. See her bio ...

Clare Egan

The Mystic Fae - The Magic within and my Gratitude Journal

Clare is the founder of the Mystic Fae, she owns a crystal hub, from which she sells to the public. She has weekly lively shows from her facebook group, and comes with a wealth of spiritual knowledge. Enjoy her two journals on Amazon, one for your magic within, and the other for your gratitude. Both available signed from her at £6.99 or to buy for £6.99 on Amazon.

Sammi Dean

The Spirits Journey - A Journal

Sammi was inspired to do this journal to help others on their spiritual path and have a journal for their own spirits growth or that of their mediumship development. She is a psychic medium, running a mediumship circle and has a love for all things spiritual like tarot, divination, scrying, astrology,you get the drift 🤣. She loves to help people spiritually on their journeys. "May you always be blessed and I hope you have a happy time journalling in this sacred space I have channelled just for you!" Sammi

Trudie Stroud

Connect with your Spirit Guides

Trudie has a magical journal assisting you with her prompts to work with your guide. Trudie is a spirit guide mentor and past life regressionist. She supports female entrepeneurs to connect their guides to live their authentic life. She holds her own successful facebook page. She has a real passion with her spiritual work.

Joanna Ashwell

The Spirit of the Unicorns

New Unicorn Journal sharing the love of the Golden Unicorns.


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